Why Basmati rice has become preferred rice

B asmati rice is fast becoming one of the most preferred rice of the world due to the long slender grain of the rice and the distinct aroma after cooking. Now on every occasion, the rice dishes are pre-dominantly made of basmati rice. Be it any occasion or function, Basmati rice has found its way in every single household of the Indian sub-continent over the period of years. When cooked Basmati Rice has a nutty aroma, it is this fragrance of the rice which makes it even more valued and expensive, that's why it’s used on special occasions. The aroma in the rice is because of the presence of compound named 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline which gives the rice a smell. This compound is present in almost all varieties of rice which is available in the market, but the content of this compound is present on higher side in the Basmati Rice. The presence of this particular compound in Basmati Rice is so high that it makes the smell intense. When cooked the aroma fills the whole kitchen...